The Significance & Size of MSMEs in Egypt: Catalysts for Economic Growth


In Egypt, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in driving economic growth, fostering innovation, and generating employment opportunities. MSMEs are the backbone of the Egyptian economy, accounting for a significant portion of the country’s business landscape. This article explores the size and significance of MSMEs in Egypt, highlighting their contributions, challenges, and the government’s initiatives to support their growth.

1. The Importance of MSMEs in Egypt:

MSMEs in Egypt are diverse, encompassing a wide range of sectors, including manufacturing, services, agriculture, and technology. They are known for their agility, flexibility, and ability to adapt quickly to market demands. Here are some key reasons highlighting the importance of MSMEs:

a) Employment Generation: MSMEs are major contributors to job creation in Egypt. They provide opportunities for individuals, including youth and women, who may face challenges in finding formal employment. These enterprises often hire from the local community, thus contributing to regional development.

b) Economic Growth: MSMEs play a crucial role in driving economic growth by contributing to the country’s GDP. They add value to the economy through increased production, innovation, and exports, leading to overall economic development.

c) Innovation and Entrepreneurship: MSMEs are known for their entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. They foster creativity, introduce new ideas, and drive competition in the market, promoting technological advancements and increasing productivity.

2. The Size of MSMEs in Egypt:

The size of MSMEs in Egypt can be gauged by various factors, including the number of enterprises, their contribution to GDP, and employment statistics. While specific data may vary, the following figures provide a general overview:

a) Number of MSMEs: According to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Egypt had approximately 3.5 million registered MSMEs in 2021. This vast number reflects the prevalence and significance of these enterprises in the Egyptian business landscape.

b) Contribution to GDP: MSMEs contribute around 25% to Egypt’s GDP, showcasing their substantial economic impact. Their diverse activities, from manufacturing to services, contribute to various sectors, fostering economic growth and stability.

c) Employment Statistics: MSMEs are major employers in Egypt. They provide jobs to millions of people across the country, playing a pivotal role in reducing unemployment rates and creating opportunities for socioeconomic development.

3. Challenges Faced by MSMEs:

Despite their significance, MSMEs in Egypt face several challenges that hinder their growth and sustainability. These challenges include:

a) Access to Finance: Limited access to finance is a significant obstacle for MSMEs in Egypt. Many small businesses struggle to obtain affordable credit and financing options, hindering their ability to expand operations or invest in innovation.

b) Regulatory Burdens: During the registration and licensing stages. Simplifying procedures and enhancing regulatory frameworks can facilitate business growth.

c) Infrastructure and Technology Gaps: limited access to technology and digital tools hinders their competitiveness in an increasingly digitized world.

4. Government Initiatives to Support MSMEs:

Recognizing the importance of MSMEs, the Egyptian government has implemented various initiatives to support their growth:

a) Financial Support: The government has established specialized funds and programs that provide financial support, grants, and loans specifically tailored for MSMEs. These initiatives aim to enhance access to capital and promote entrepreneurship.

b) Simplified Procedures: The government has taken steps to simplify administrative processes, reducing bureaucracy and red tape for MSMEs. Streamlined registration and licensing procedures facilitate ease of doing business and encourage entrepreneurship.

c) Capacity Building and Training: The government, in collaboration with various institutions and organizations, offers training programs, workshops, and mentoring schemes to enhance the skills and capabilities of MSME owners and employees.

Statistics on the Size of MSMEs in Egypt:

a) Employment Generation: MSMEs in Egypt are significant contributors to job creation. According to data from CAPMAS, MSMEs employed around 9 million people in 2021, accounting for approximately 70% of total employment in the private sector.

b) Sector Distribution: MSMEs operate across various sectors, with a notable presence in manufacturing, services, and agriculture. The manufacturing sector alone comprises a substantial portion of MSME activity, employing around 5.4 million individuals.

c) Contribution to Exports: MSMEs play a vital role in Egypt’s export industry. According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, these enterprises account for more than 20% of the country’s total exports, contributing significantly to foreign exchange earnings and enhancing trade balance.

d) Women-led MSMEs: Women’s participation in the MSME sector in Egypt has been growing steadily. As of 2021, around 30% of registered MSMEs were led by women entrepreneurs, showcasing the increasing role and empowerment of women in the business ecosystem.

e) Regional Distribution: MSMEs are not concentrated solely in urban areas but are spread across Egypt, including rural and underdeveloped regions. These enterprises contribute to regional development by providing employment opportunities, improving livelihoods, and reducing regional disparities.

f) Contribution to GDP Growth: MSMEs have a considerable impact on Egypt’s GDP growth. In 2021, these enterprises contributed around 26% to the country’s GDP, highlighting their substantial role in driving economic output and prosperity.

g) Digital Transformation: With the growing emphasis on digitalization, MSMEs in Egypt are gradually embracing technology to enhance their competitiveness. According to a survey conducted by the Egyptian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (MSMEDA), around 45% of MSMEs in Egypt have adopted digital tools and platforms to streamline their operations and expand their customer base.

Note: The statistics mentioned above are based on available data and may vary slightly depending on the source and year of the information.


MSMEs form a crucial part of Egypt’s economy, driving employment, innovation, and economic growth. Despite the challenges they face, MSMEs continue to thrive and contribute significantly to the country’s development. By implementing supportive policies, facilitating access to finance, and enhancing the business environment, Egypt can further unleash the potential of its MSME sector, fostering sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all.