Factoring … An instrument to over the Cash Flow problems

Access to finance is a critical factor in the success of SMEs. Banks, microfinance institutions, and other financing sources play an important role in providing funding and other financial services to SMEs.

Factoring is a financing tool that can be used by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve cash flow and manage credit risk. In this post, we will discuss what factoring is, how it works, and why it can be beneficial for SMEs in Egypt.

What is factoring ?

Factoring is a financial service that involves the purchase of accounts receivable by a factoring company. In simple terms, a factoring company buys a company’s unpaid invoices at a discounted price, providing the company with cash upfront. The factoring company then collects the payment from the debtor on behalf of the company.

How does factoring work?

The process of factoring involves three parties: the SME (the client), the debtor (the customer who owes the SME money), and the factoring company. The SME sells its accounts receivable to the factoring company at a discounted rate, which means that the SME receives a percentage of the value of the invoice upfront. The factoring company then collects the full value of the invoice from the debtor and retains a fee for its services. The remaining amount is paid to the SME, minus any additional fees.

Factoring can provide several benefits for SMEs in Egypt, including:

Factoring can improve cash flow for a business by providing immediate cash for their invoices instead of waiting for their customers to pay. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses or startups that may not have enough working capital to cover their expenses while waiting for their customers to pay. By selling their invoices to a factor, the business can receive a significant portion of the outstanding balance immediately, allowing them to pay bills and invest in growth opportunities.

  1. Improved cash flow: Factoring provides SMEs with an immediate injection of cash, which can be used to cover expenses such as payroll, inventory, and other operating costs. This can help SMEs to maintain a positive cash flow and avoid cash shortages.
  2. Reduced credit risk: Factoring companies assume the credit risk associated with the accounts receivable, which means that SMEs are protected from potential losses due to unpaid invoices or default by customers.
  3. Access to working capital: Factoring can provide SMEs with access to working capital that may not be available through traditional sources of financing, such as bank loans.
  4. Increased flexibility: Factoring is a flexible financing option that can be tailored to the needs of SMEs. Factoring companies can provide funding for specific invoices or on an ongoing basis, depending on the needs of the SME.
  5. Improved creditworthiness: Factoring can improve the creditworthiness of SMEs by providing them with a more stable cash flow and reducing their reliance on short-term financing options.

Improved cash flow

Factoring can improve cash flow for a business by providing immediate cash for their invoices instead of waiting for their customers to pay. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses or startups that may not have enough working capital to cover their expenses while waiting for their customers to pay. By selling their invoices to a factor, the business can receive a significant portion of the outstanding balance immediately, allowing them to pay bills and invest in growth opportunities.

Additionally, factoring can also help improve a business’s cash flow by reducing the amount of bad debt that they have to write off. Factors often have more resources and expertise to collect on outstanding invoices than the business itself, reducing the risk of non-payment or default.


Factoring is a financing tool that can provide SMEs in Egypt with a range of benefits, including improved cash flow, reduced credit risk, access to working capital, increased flexibility, and improved creditworthiness. By selling their accounts receivable to a factoring company, SMEs can improve their financial position and focus on growing their business. If you are an SME in Egypt looking for a financing option that can provide you with immediate cash and reduce your credit risk, factoring may be a suitable option for your business.